Thursday, November 8, 2012

Over a Year!!

I Have not posted in over a year. Needless to say I have not done my challenge. I have not given up working part time. I have forgotten all of blogger. I still homeschool and enjoy being with my kids.

Here is what I am wanting to accomplish for the coming year. I want to blog everyday about our homeschooling journey. I want to have pictures. I want to learn how to better blog and make it popular. I want to be able to help someone someday. I want to have challenges at least every few months to help keep us all motivated.

So starting tomorrow I am going to take pictures of our homeschooling. I will start with what our homeschooling area looks like. I will give a little insight on how we school and what we do.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Working and Homeschooling

Having to find a balance and be creative with Homeschooling is  a hard task to do. I am a seasonal worker and yes I know I have been going back and forth on if I need to work or do I just give it up. I lost the battle this year and continued to come back to work. I felt I just couldn't give up something I have done for so long that wasn't really hurting us. I feel like God will tell me when to stop and at this point in my life He hasn't. I can say my children are not hurting nor is my spouse. I am on a Journey through life and working is a part of that journey. For now I do believe I am on the right path. Now tomorrow may bring another reaction. God can show me any minute he wants me to be somewhere else. But with me working a few months out of the year I am able to provide things that we normally could not afford without help. We are able to go on good field trips and explore things we normally would not be able to do. My work is very flexible to my schedule and my children. I can easily bring them with me to work if I am in need to do so.

Sunday, October 30, 2011


I am going to do a 30 day challenge. I hope this will help me accomplish cleaning my house. I am not a house cleaner. I hate cleaning. I would rather play with my kids than to have a clean home. However it doesnt have to be this way I know. I can have it both ways. A lot of families have a clean home and still find the time to play with the kids. We are a very busy family. Both our kids have activities and we have family events constantly. So I have very little time to clean.

So here is my challenge why dont you join me and post a comment on how you have done so.

Challenge is:  Clean my kitchen and arrange it better.
                     Clean the living room and arrange it better.
                     Arrange the homeschool area to make it better.
                    Clean the Bathroom and reaarange the closets to make it better.
                     Clean my master bedroom, finish decorating it and arrange it better.
                     Clean Nathaniel's room and get rid of some toys.
                     Clean Destiny's room and get rid of some clothes and toys.
                     Declutter the entire house.
                     Throw away at least 30 things I havent used in the last six months. ( 1 a day)
                    Mop all rooms.
                     Do all the windows.
                     Wash the refigierator. ( Havent been done in a long time)
                      Blog about it everyday.
                     Have this all done in 30 days no matter what.

Starting on October 31st.

Happy Homeschooling

I am so ready for tomorrow. I enjoy homeschooling my children. My children are so wonderful to me. I sometimes think I do not deserve them. I want to offer them the world. I want them to know our Savior Jesus Christ. I hope and pray to be the leader I need to be for Christ.

I have changed how I homeschool this year and it has been a wonderful experience. I am more relaxed and more convinced my children are learning. At the time of our schooling it is hard to see them actually learning sometimes. You have those days where you just want to pull your hair out and throw in the towel. You think you are not doing what God wants you to be doing. I know these days very well. I have them often, then God allows me to see my children playing and saying things they have learned that I didn't realize they had picked up as well as they did. I want to offer you encouragement today. I want to let you know that it will get better. You don't have to push everything into one day. Break it up for your family. Each family is different and yes there are some that I do find myself envious of. However I pray and allow myself to think of my family and to think of what God has blessed me with. I then say what can I do better for my family? I then try to do whatever I think of to make it a little better. I hope you too can do this or something to find peace for your family.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

A wonderful time.

I enjoy taking my daughter to Miss Marion's School of Dance. I have been very pleased with the techniques that she has learned over the years. I am also thrilled that the instructors there choose to not make our children wear clothing that is innappropriate. The instructors also listen when the parents have concerns and they help and do something about it. They are there for the children when one needs someone to talk to. Over the years the instructors mentor these children into young ladies. I am very excited to be a part of this with my daughter.

Mrs. Lori
Mrs. Susan
Miss Shauna
Mrs. Marissa
And anyone I failed to thank.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Getting things in Order

I am going through all of my last year school items and putting them away. I am getting all the new items put in the right spots, so they can be easily accessed. I am trying to prepare for an easier year. Less stress, more fun, and more love. I also want to teach as much as possible this year because my children are eager to learn many new things. I am excited because I have decided not to return to work and my children are happy about the choice. I feel like it is going to be a hard one and I hope I stick to it. I want to do so much for my family and do many things that I couldn't do while working. Things will be tight but we will manage. I feel less stressed knowing I can relax during the school year. Before I was having to rush through school and get the kids to learn more in less time so while I was working the few months, things could be less organized. That didnt get us very far. We were not on the track I originally had for us. So I had to make a choice. Lets pray I stick to it.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Ready or Not?

Man where has summer gone? Ready or not it is time for school to begin once again. I am really sad that summer is over but I am really looking forward to the upcoming school year. I am in a very good part of my life right now were I am reevaluating my life. I am trying to get my priorities straight and the first thing is getting closer to God, then building a closer relationship with my husband and then my children. I have started some changes in my life already and things appear to be better. Not that things were bad but my mama has always told me my priorities were off. Now I see, she was talking in terms of money but it really got me thinking one day. Life is going to pass us by whether we are ready or not. Do we have our priorities in line with what God wants for us? Do we have life in the right order? Are we doing what we can to deliver Gods message? How many people have you lead to Christ today? This week? This month? This year? Well what are you doing to change that? God is coming whether we are Ready or Not. Are you prepared? Have you asked Jesus into your heart? Have you repented of your sins? Have you gotten on your hands and knees and told God all your troubles and asked for forgiveness?

For God so loved the world........ that is probably the most known Bible verse of all time. But something interesting to know is that so many people know it but don't believe it. So many just believe that we came from some big bang or from some kind of animal. Look around, things didn't just happen. Things are just so beautiful and so different to all come from two balls of fire colliding into each other.

Lets just get to the point here. God created us all. He gave us all a choice to make. He knows what choice we will make but none the less the choice is ours to make. So are you making the right one? Are you prepared for the end? Because it will be here, Ready or Not!!