Thursday, June 30, 2011


I am sitting here doing a search and trying to find something encouraging. I wanted to get my spirits up because frankly they are down a bit. My laundry is backed up, my bed is unmade, my living room is a disaster and I just don't feel like cleaning it. I have read a few blogs and a few sites but nothing really touched me. So I prayed for a moment and then it hit me. Why not start a blog yourself? Why not you? You can lift someones spirit and by doing so maybe find a way to lift yours. So here I am. I want to give an honest blog about an ordinary mother who has made many mistakes along this journey of life. I don't want to just put a plug in or a shout out about this product or that product. I am not here to make money or to tell you what to use or how to use it. I am here to maybe give you a smile and a giggle to know that someone else is out there having the same struggles you may be having. So I may cover finances, which a lot of people are ashamed to talk about, relationship problems, homeschooling issues, and house keeping. I just want to be able to bring joy into your life.

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