Thursday, November 8, 2012

Over a Year!!

I Have not posted in over a year. Needless to say I have not done my challenge. I have not given up working part time. I have forgotten all of blogger. I still homeschool and enjoy being with my kids.

Here is what I am wanting to accomplish for the coming year. I want to blog everyday about our homeschooling journey. I want to have pictures. I want to learn how to better blog and make it popular. I want to be able to help someone someday. I want to have challenges at least every few months to help keep us all motivated.

So starting tomorrow I am going to take pictures of our homeschooling. I will start with what our homeschooling area looks like. I will give a little insight on how we school and what we do.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Working and Homeschooling

Having to find a balance and be creative with Homeschooling is  a hard task to do. I am a seasonal worker and yes I know I have been going back and forth on if I need to work or do I just give it up. I lost the battle this year and continued to come back to work. I felt I just couldn't give up something I have done for so long that wasn't really hurting us. I feel like God will tell me when to stop and at this point in my life He hasn't. I can say my children are not hurting nor is my spouse. I am on a Journey through life and working is a part of that journey. For now I do believe I am on the right path. Now tomorrow may bring another reaction. God can show me any minute he wants me to be somewhere else. But with me working a few months out of the year I am able to provide things that we normally could not afford without help. We are able to go on good field trips and explore things we normally would not be able to do. My work is very flexible to my schedule and my children. I can easily bring them with me to work if I am in need to do so.