Saturday, August 13, 2011

Getting things in Order

I am going through all of my last year school items and putting them away. I am getting all the new items put in the right spots, so they can be easily accessed. I am trying to prepare for an easier year. Less stress, more fun, and more love. I also want to teach as much as possible this year because my children are eager to learn many new things. I am excited because I have decided not to return to work and my children are happy about the choice. I feel like it is going to be a hard one and I hope I stick to it. I want to do so much for my family and do many things that I couldn't do while working. Things will be tight but we will manage. I feel less stressed knowing I can relax during the school year. Before I was having to rush through school and get the kids to learn more in less time so while I was working the few months, things could be less organized. That didnt get us very far. We were not on the track I originally had for us. So I had to make a choice. Lets pray I stick to it.

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