Thursday, June 30, 2011

About Me - A little more....

One thing you should know about me is that I am a horrible speller, my grammar isn't that great, I am very country, and I don't know much about the political standings of our country, I leave that to my husband. I know, some woman are cringing at the thought of that but here me out. I have to cook, clean, teach, taxi, study the Bible, and so many other things, that I just simply trust my husband to tell me who he believes should be in office. I then vote for said person. I also rely a lot on my husband for many task, such as leading this house, learning the Bible and helping me to study it, helping to discipline the children and to of course work a full time job. He is my everything. Now in return I try to be the best wife and mother I can. I try to do what he expects of me. Now I am by no means an old fashioned woman. I do speak for myself, maybe a little to much. But there are things that just work better. Him remembering all the political issues is one of them. Him leading our house, well that is Biblical, and as hard as it is, that is what we want I want.

I want to learn to sew and to teach it to my daughter. I want to become the best wife and mother I can be. I want to be a good house keeper. You see how I said good not great, well I have to start somewhere. I will settle for good. I need alot of help there. So I can share my struggles with you. I want to study the Bible more and make God more the center of our lives. He is the center but at times I neglect Him.


I am sitting here doing a search and trying to find something encouraging. I wanted to get my spirits up because frankly they are down a bit. My laundry is backed up, my bed is unmade, my living room is a disaster and I just don't feel like cleaning it. I have read a few blogs and a few sites but nothing really touched me. So I prayed for a moment and then it hit me. Why not start a blog yourself? Why not you? You can lift someones spirit and by doing so maybe find a way to lift yours. So here I am. I want to give an honest blog about an ordinary mother who has made many mistakes along this journey of life. I don't want to just put a plug in or a shout out about this product or that product. I am not here to make money or to tell you what to use or how to use it. I am here to maybe give you a smile and a giggle to know that someone else is out there having the same struggles you may be having. So I may cover finances, which a lot of people are ashamed to talk about, relationship problems, homeschooling issues, and house keeping. I just want to be able to bring joy into your life.